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2801 E. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano
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An Expression of Gratitude

A field of over 1,000 3′ x 5′ American Flags will express our gratitude to our veterans and first responders. Each flag tells the story of heroes whose lives were devoted in service to others, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice.

We will honor family members, friends and neighbors whose service and sacrifices have allowed all of us to be safe and enjoy freedoms many in other lands cannot enjoy.  By honoring them through this display, we are creating a visual expression of our gratitude to those who serve, present and past, living and deceased, while raising money for their causes.

The Rotary motto “Service above Self” says it all when referring to those who have served and continue to serve. Be it Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, or Coast Guard. Be it Police, Fire or EMT. Our Military and First Responders all stand at the ready when duty calls.

Dedication to service is the driving force behind the Plano Flags of Honor Event hosted by the Plano East Rotary Club.  It is held every year during the week surrounding Veterans Day.  For seven days in November, 1,000+ 3′ x 5′ flags fly in honor of those who have served and continue to serve today.  It is organized by the Plano East Rotary Club with the support of other local Rotary Clubs, individual Rotarians, local businesses, non-profit organizations and members of the community.   

This year’s event will be held November 9-16th at Red Tail Pavilion at Oak Point Park in Plano, Texas.

Special Programs are held throughout the week to recognize our Heroes.  Events include programs from Veterans Organizations, Musical Performances, Patriotic re-enactments, Static Displays and more. We invite you to come to the field and share in the experience.

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